
How can I give?
Many givers find that a regular pattern of giving, either by standing order or the envelope scheme helps them plan and give consistently. One off gifts are also welcome, either by cheque, bank transfer or you can use the contactless machine at the back of church. If you'd like to let us know about your giving that would be great - please email - thank you!
KPC's Bank details are:
Name: Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Knowle, Solihull
Sort Code: 40-26-22
Account number: 90508306
Please use a reference which includes your house number and postcode - eg 42B930NP. This is to allow us to identify that the gift is from you.
Gift Aid
Where the money you are giving has been taxed, the value of your gift to KPC can be increased by 25% at no extra cost to you - we can claim Gift Aid from the government on your gift. All you need to do is fill in a gift aid declaration - you can either
click here to complete the online form or you can get a paper copy from the Parish Office.
If you would like to remember us in your will, this would be greatly appreciated. For this purpose, our legal name is “The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Knowle Solihull”.
Envelope Scheme
If you’d prefer to give cash, please consider giving via the envelope scheme. Call the Parish Office and we will arrange for a box of weekly envelopes to be sent to you so that you can put these in the collection in church. We can also claim Gift Aid on these gifts if you’d like us to.
How much does KPC cost to run? How is the money spent?
KPC costs just over £700,00 per year to run. Most of this is spent on people - the clergy and staff team here. We also need to keep the buildings safe and warm, and buy materials for activities like evangelism, youth and children's work. KPC tries to be a generous church - we're able to give away over 10% of our income to others. Most of this helps other churches in Birmingham that don't have our resources, and we also give to charities fighting poverty both locally and overseas. To read more about our giving visit the Global Mission page for the 2024 update -
click here.
Need more help or advice?
If you would like to pray through your giving to KPC or more widely, then please contact the prayer team after services or speak to a member of the clergy. If you have any questions on how to give to KPC then please contact Ian Kay on or the Parish Office.
Thank you.