KPC Kids
Our children’s ministry usually happens during our 9:30am service and we’d love to welcome you and your children! Meet our team: (L to R) Barbara Carstairs, Sarah Chapman, Clare Fillingham, Sarah Covington. Scroll down for more!

On the first Sunday of each month we have either an all-age or an all-in service. For all ages, we all stay together in church for the a lively engaging service with a group provided for under 5s. All-in Sundays involve 30 minutes together in church before we all choose from a variety of zones to help us explore the theme of the day.

The 2nd, 3rd, 4th (and where applicable 5th ) Sundays involve a range of age-appropriate KPC Kids groups. They are led by the children’s ministry team and with the support of lots of dedicated volunteers and involve Bible stories, games and crafts, worship and prayer and are all about helping children on their journey of faith.
Knowle CE Primary Academy
We work very closely with Knowle CE Primary Academy, and this includes a church led Collective Worship in both Key Stage 1 and 2 each week.