Weekend Away 2026

Please complete this form if you would like to book onto the Weekend Away. Fields marked * must be completed.
*Full name(s) of adult(s) (18 and over as at 1 September 2025) in your booking group
*Email address(es): |
* Phone number(s) of each adult :(please indicate which number belongs to which adult if booking for more than one adult): |
Full name(s) AND dates of birth of children in your booking group |
*Does anyone in your booking group have any special dietary requirements? If yes, please give details
*Does anyone in your booking group have any allergies or medical conditions? If yes, please give details.
*Number and type of room(s) required: single / double / twin / family / accessible room (if needed) |
If you are attending as a single person but are willing to share a twin room, please indicate and nominate your roommate (if already known) |
*Do you consent to images, footage and/or audio of everyone named on this form being used by KPC (i) on the KPC website, on social media platforms, content sharing via digital means and on screens at events both in church and in the wider community, and (ii) in print, including but not restricted to Knowle Parish magazine, brochures, newsletters and press releases |
*Do you need a lift to/from the venue? |
* Can you offer a lift to others? If yes, how many spaces?
*Does any member of your group have a disability or limited accessibility e.g. climbing stairs? If yes, please specify.
Is there any other information we should be aware of to make your stay comfortable?
Payment Information:
48 hour package cost (per person)
Adult - twin/double occupancy |
£183 |
Adult - single room occupancy |
£203 |
Child/Youth 4 - 17 years old |
£35 |
Child 3 years old and under* |
Free |
24-hour rate |
40% discount |
Day delegate |
£80 |
*Under 3s go free – but must have a parent/carer accompany them. There will be no formal children’s programme for this age group, however provision will be available for feeding mums and break-out play spaces in the main conference area for parents to utilise.
A deposit of £75 per adult is payable when booking. The remaining balance is due by 16th November 2025.
Details of the special KPC account to pay into are as follows:
Sort Code: 40-26-22
Account Number: 01094610
Account Name: Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Knowle, Solihull
Reference: AWAY + surname + initial (eg AWAYBloggsJ)
*Total amount payable
*Deposit being paid
*How will you pay deposit? Bank transfer/ cash/cheque. Bank transfer preferred - details above
*I confirm that I have read and agree to the KPCC's Data Privacy Policy (can be found in Resources section of website) |
Hospitality Fund
We do not want funding to be a barrier to anyone who would like to come on the weekend. Payment plans and a hospitality fund are available. If you would like to discuss any of these, then please contact Duncan Berry, 07976 700708 or duncan@berryfamily.me.uk or speak to one of the clergy.
The costs for families and those attending on their own are subsidised to encourage attendance. If you would like to support the cost of the weekend, including support for those for whom cost might be preclusive, then please make a transfer to the Weekend Away bank account (details above) with the reference HOSPITALITY on it. This fund has been greatly appreciated in previous years and has allowed us to bless people within our congregation.
For any queries about any aspect of the church weekend away, please contact the church office or speak to a member of the weekend away organising team.