Home Groups

A place to connect – a space to explore – the time to be known
“It has helped me build real friendships”
“Bible study in small chunks reveals amazing truths”
“I enjoy friendly discussion”
“A great support and wonderful way to connect”
In a large church like KPC it makes such a difference to be part of a home group.
It is the best way to grow in faith, explore the Bible, connect and pray with others and find opportunities to bless our community.
Home groups meet on various days and times throughout the week across our local area. Some meet weekly, others fortnightly. With around 30 gorups, we will look to connect you with one that works for you.
If you want to find out more about joining a home group then please contact:
Home group coordinators: Sue and Ian Ralph, ianralph1959@gmail.com
Discipleship Lead: Rev Steve Johnson, steve.johnson@kpc.org.uk