Global Mission Support
What is Global Mission and how does our church support it? Explore below to find out what are the partnerships we believe God has joined us together with.
You also can get involved in God’s plan by choosing to join with one or more of the following partners projects. You can do this as an individual, or as a house group or as part of a whole church commitment to these mission partners.
You can kneel (pray), open your hands (give – money, time, skillset), walk (choose to go yourself) or join us (so we can send people out).
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At KPC we have a Global Mission group that seeks to be involved in UK and International communities to bring God’s values to improve their physical, emotional, spiritual and social circumstances. This is an engagement process through a two-way relationship, restoring hope and a fuller life for all involved, both the community we serve and us.
Our role is to encourage missional thinking within the church with a view to pray for and support partnerships and eventually to send short and longer-term mission partners. We support Christian organisations working overseas and, in the UK, and work with three partner churches in the Birmingham Diocese. Our current partnerships are in 3 groups:
3 Regional Churches
St Andrews Church, Chelmsley Wood, Rev Andi Thomas
St Christophers Church, Springfield, Rev Tom Thomas + Kam Kaur + Springfield Project
St John’s Church, Sparkhill, Rev Toby Crowe + Narthex food bank
2 Emerging Partners
Tarija Church, Bolivia, Bishop Walter Toro, and National Pastor training
Changing Tunes- West Midlands Prison Media training
11 Engaged partnerships
Christian Aid
International Needs – Nairobi Street adult men project, Kenya.
Education for Life - Kenya
Birmingham City Mission – homelessness
Shine Youth, Solihull
Christians Against Poverty
CORD Global, building peace by tacking the issues that lead to violence
Solihull Churches Asylum Seeker Support Group and Restore
Scripture Union
Urban Saints
In 2024 our giving was nearly £40,000, given to our three regional churches and UK and International mission projects. See how it was distributed below.

Our linked CofE Birmingham Churches
As part of an ongoing partnership the Global Mission Committee is building a relationship with each of these three churches to mutually support each other.
St John’s, Sparkhill – Our main practical involvement is supporting their foodbank – the Narthex Centre – through our collection of food cans in church for Harvest Sunday and collections at other times at Tesco in Knowle. We also support St John’s Church – now in our enlarged Deanery of Yardley and Solihull. Rev Toby Crowe led our Mission Sunday on 26th January 2025. More about St John’s and the Narthex Centre
St Christopher’s, Springfield , Moseley – We have a long-standing links in supporting the Springfield Project and provide financial support for their Parish Missioner, Kam Kaur.
More about St Christopher’s and the Springfield Project
St Andrew’s, Chelmsley Wood – In 2021 the Parish Missioner, Andi Thomas became the new Vicar (with his family) and is building a community church. We have had a long relationship with this church through their vicar Mike Harmon (up to April 2020), who was a member of KPC prior to training for ordination. The church is growing and serving its community. More about St Andrew’s Church
Our Emerging projects
Diocese of Bolivia – Over recent years, the Birmingham Diocese has been developing a partnership with the Anglican church in Bolivia. As part of this relationship, our vicar Geoff Lanham has had significant involvement with the churches there. In 2023, Geoff & Mary Lanham together with Chris and Liz Welton visited Bolivia, explored several church situations and were involved in ministry at a National Training conference for Pastors. If you'd like to hear about that trip, click on this link to hear the feedback. This link continues to grow with regular Spanish / English translated Zoom calls with Bishop Walter Toro and some of his Church members in Tarija. The GMC envisages a future relationship of our church in relationship with the Tarija church and with Walter in his national responsibilities.
Changing Tunes – this is a UK based charity that works in Prisons and is starting music and media training in new prisons in the West Midlands. Their vision is for prisoners and ex-prisoners to live a crime-free life of meaning and purpose. To accomplish this, they provide transformative music and mentoring sessions for men, women and young people in the UK prison system and post-release, enabling them to lead positive and meaningful lives by unlocking their potential to change, thus breaking the cycle of reoffending. As a church we host an annual concert that shares the experience and opportunities that their clients have enjoyed. We also are building a network to strengthen these opportunities in the West Midlands
Our Engaged Partnerships
Tearfund – our gift is the largest single gift we make and it is because of Tear Fund’s skill in harnessing the local church in poor countries to be the drive for Community transformation in terms of lifting communities out of material and spiritual poverty. We also have a history of KPC members visiting projects in Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, South Africa and Haiti. More about Tearfund
Education for Life, Kenya – “Helping improve the lives of children in Africa”. More about Education for Life
International Needs – A worldwide development agency working to help families suffering through poverty and crises to create a sustainable future, seeking to serve God and bring people the good news of Jesus. We support a long term rescue and training service for young adult orphaned males on the streets and turn their lives into a functioning member of a community of love, service and employment. More about International Needs
Malawi Task Group – Birmingham Diocese has a longstanding project to support schools and churches in Malawi.
Scripture Union – Ongoing support to SU’s work, particularly in the light of our focus on the WordLive bible reading aid – used by many KPC members. More about Scripture Union
Urban Saints – KPC’s Children’s team uses the teaching resources produced by Urban Saints. More about Urban Saints
Shine Youth – exists to see the positive mental health, self-esteem, emotional wellbeing and identity of young people aged 11 -18 years across Solihull increase, so that they can flourish in their relationships, education, community, family and future work life. More about Shine Youth
Christian Aid - More about Christian Aid
Birmingham City Mission – More about Birmingham City Mission
Christians Against Poverty – More about CAP
CORD Global - building peace by tackling the issues that lead to violence. More about CORD Global
Solihull Churches Asylum Seeker Support Group and Restore – Read More
Peter Coggan is the Prayer co-ordinator for all the Mission partnerships and if you need help with getting updates for prayer you can contact him via: