Pre-school children
We have plenty of groups going on for pre-school children during the week here in Knowle. Scroll down to read about our regular groups and who to contact. Click here to find out about our Pre-School, Stepping Stones. We look forward to meeting you! (On Sundays, bring your pre-schoolers to church for the 9.30am Family Service with creche/toddler groups)

2nd Saturday of the month 10-11.30am : Dads and Toddlers in St John's Hall with refreshments for dads/grandads and toddlers! Contact the Children's Team or Parish Office for more information.
Mondays 12 noon - 1.15pm : Caterpillars toddler group in the Guild House where children can bring a packed lunch to eat whilst they listen to a Bible story and join in with some music and singing time at the end of the session. Please email for more information.
Tuesdays 9.15 or 10.45am (2 sessions) Rainbow Tots is for babies to pre-schoolers with their parent/grandparent or carer, in St John’s Hall. The cost is £2.50 for one adult and child. Booking essential: email
Fridays 10-12 noon : Bumps & Babies is a parents, carers, babies and bumps support group meeting Friday mornings at the Guild House next to Church. Cake and drinks available! No need to book; free of charge (donations welcomed).