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Lent Courses 2025 

This Lent we are running three different courses to explore more deeply as we journey towards Easter.

The Grace course (Mondays - run by Jackie McGillicuddy) starts on 17th February. Making Better Sense of the Second Stage of Life (Tuesdays - run by Geoff Lanham) begins on 11th March and Two-way Street - Steps to Intercultural Church and Mission  ( Thursdays run by Amy Tan) starts on 20th March.

 Please scroll down to read about all 3 and choose which one you would like to attend. (One per person please to allow space for others.)

Lent Courses 2025

1. The Grace Course is an 8-session discipleship course that will help you experience freedom and fruitfulness in Christ. Learn to rest in God, and discover all He has prepared in advance for you. It is designed to help us to grow in our own discipleship and, as appropriate, in how we disciple others. It is about how we bear lasting fruit, motivated only by God’s love and not the false motivators of guilt, shame, fear, anxiety and pride. It comes from the Freedom in Christ group and so participants will be equipped with strategies to walk in the freedom that comes from belonging to Christ. Sessions are mainly on Monday evenings. Click here for more details.

2. Making Better Sense of the Second Stage of Life (4 sessions)
For many people, the middle years of life are a time of unexpected disquiet and questioning. Questions of identity, meaning, purpose and loss raise their heads. This course seeks to help us understand what might be going on within us at this time, called by some "the second adulthood". Geoff will help us better understand the issues facing us, why they impact us as they do and how we can turn crisis and challenge into opportunity?
The course will run on Tuesday evenings from 7.45 – 9.45pm. It will use a mixture of input, discussion, questions and video. Do join us and please don't feel you have to be middle aged to come. For some people, the symptoms of the middle years begin in their 30s! Click here for more details.

3. Two-way street - Steps to Intercultural Church and Mission (4 sessions)
We believe God is doing a new thing in the worldwide church, and this is a moment we must seize. For centuries, God has sent peoples from all over the world to the Church in the UK, with this movement accelerating since the mid-20th century. The key question is whether these Christians were expected to conform to the white English church culture or if they brought something new from God that could transform how the Church understands itself. This course explores the concept of a “Two-way Street,” where worship and mission across cultures result in mutual transformation. Intercultural Church is a space where every culture and identity is valued and contributes to a richer understanding of God’s kingdom, as Harvey Kwiyani describes in Multicultural Kingdom. This course is designed to help assess where we are and identify the next steps toward creating a “Two-way Street” church. The course will run on Thursday evenings from 7.45 – 9.45pm. It will use a mixture of input, discussion, questions and video. Do join us for this important discussion in the life of our increasingly multicultural church family. Click here for more details.    

To book a place, please complete the booking form below. The Parish Office will then contact you to acknowledge receipt and confirm your place. 

Your Name:
Course Chosen:
Phone number:
Email Address:


Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

Whether you are thinking of coming to church for the first time because you are interested in exploring faith,  whether you’re new to the area and looking for a church, or whether you’re investigating baptism or marriage, you are really welcome. Our vision is to be “A house of God’s light for all peoples and generations,” and we really hope you’ll get to experience some of that light.
Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 11.20

You’ll find we have different styles of services that reflect our diverse congregation. Click here to find out which of our services might suit you.  When you arrive you should be met by a member of our Welcome Team who will be wearing a Welcome badge. Please do make yourself known to them so that they can let you have a Welcome Pack and, if you like, can introduce you to someone to sit next to in the service.

What is there for my children?
If you are coming along with children, you might find our 9.30 Family Service most suitable.  Most weeks, the children start in the church with their accompanying adult (we really value worshipping God altogether as an inter-generational community.) After around 15 minutes, children go out to their own Sunday groups. More details of these age groups can be found on our Children and Young People page. On the first Sunday of the month, we hold either an All Age or All In service.

How do I get to know people in such a big church?
While you will get to know some people if you come to a church service, it is often at smaller gatherings which happen during the week that you will get to know people better.  Click here to read about the other groups which run during the week and here for activities that go on at the church.

How can I get involved?
Click here to read about the many ways in which you can get involved in the life of the church. Getting involved is another great way of way of getting to know people. We’d love KPC to be a church where we grow spiritually by contributing.
We hope very much that you will like what you taste and soon feel at home in our church.

Best wishes,
Geoff Lanham, Vicar
Geoff Lanham BCU 2022 IMG 4089                             


Get in touch with us to plan your visit
If you would like to come and visit the church beforehand you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?

Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.