Explore Faith
Everyone believes in something. Whether that's a higher power, destiny, family, hard work or just yourself, there is something that you trust and that guides how you live your life and make decisions.
The question is not whether you believe but rather what you believe in.
So how would you answer that question? What do you believe in?
At Knowle Parish Church we have found that believing in Jesus and putting our trust in him is one the best decisions we could ever make. Belief in Jesus gives us a purpose for life, safety when life is shaky, and above all an awareness that we are loved - no matter what.
We'd love to explore this faith with you, why not give it a try?
One of the best ways to start considering faith is to come along on a Sunday morning and start asking questions. Church is very friendly and welcoming. Anyone can come, with whatever questions, thoughts or feelings that are going on with you.
We also run various courses across the year to help people explore faith including Alpha. Contact the parish office for more information.
If a course isn’t for you, we would also love to meet for a coffee, pint or just a chat and explore faith with you.
If you’re not ready to come along or meet in person and just want to continue this exploration yourself on line, we recommend beginning with these free online videos at www.321course.com. There are only 8 in total, each under 20 minutes. There's a 40 second trailer below you can watch to find out more. If you do take a look at them, do let us know – we’d love to know what you think.
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Getting to know Jesus is the most amazing journey anyone can go on. Why not take your next step today?
Steve Johnson
Associate Vicar